Behaviour for Learning Website
This website has been specifically designed for student teachers and has a lot of very valuable resources. See for instance the 1947 video on Maintaining classroom discipline – an interesting historical take on the management of pupil behaviour. Also, the Behaviour for Learning rationale, an important part of understanding the breadth of things there are to think about in this area.
Bill Rogers’ books
A lot of my students have told me that they find his work helpful; see in particular, You know the fair rule, London, Pitman, and Cracking the hard class, Sydney, Scholastic
Has a range of programmes on managing pupil behaviour, I recently reviewed several of them for Teachers TV and particularly enjoyed the ones by Sue Cowley and John Bayley.
By Paul Ginnis (Carmarthen Crown Publishing). Many of my students have told me that they found this book very helpful for providing a wide range of suggestions for lesson activities. Makes the important point that it is partly about planning skills.
NASC dataset on pupil disaffection
It can be helpful to gain an understanding into what factors incline pupils to learn (and behave) and what they find unhelpful. This dataset gives pupil perspectives on what teacher characteristics incline them to learn, why they like or dislike particular school subjects (including history), and what they do and don’t like about being in classrooms and school generally.