- Improving behaviour in schools: The Haydn Scale (short animation 90 seconds, explaining the uses of the scale). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOE1WI_2f64
- Haydn, T. (2015) Working to improve classroom climate using a ten-point scale and focusing on the development of the classroom management skills of individual teachers, Creative Education, Vol. 6, No. 22: 2351-2360, online at https://www.scirp.org/Journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62199 (open access). Journal article explaining the research and use of the scale (10 pages).
- Teachers TV lecture explaining the research (40 minutes 36 seconds)
- Haydn, T. (2019) Video podcast for MMU: a shorter version of the lecture (19 minutes) https://mmutube.mmu.ac.uk/media/Levels+of+Control+-+Managing+Classroom+Behaviour/1_lw4o0g8a
- Haydn, T. (2014) To what extent is behaviour a problem in English schools? Exploring the scale and prevalence of deficits in classroom climate, Review of Education, Vol. 2, No. 1: 31-64, online at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/rev3.3025 (open access). Journal article which presents the findings from my research into the extent to which behaviour is a problem in English schools.
- Haydn, T. (2014) ‘Teachers need more support to tackle bad behaviour’, The Conversation, 14 April 2014, online at https://theconversation.com/teachers-need-more-support-to-tackle-bad-behaviour-25554. Short summary of the research.
- Understanding the Haydn scale, Supporting student learning, FutureLearn, University of Reading – https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/supporting-learning-secondary/1/steps/483688. (short video, 1.13, showing continuum from level 10 to level 1. You need to scroll down slightly to access the video).
- Haydn, T. (2020) ‘Rule 47: establishing classroom rules’, (4.30), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa9cISCo7rQ
- Haydn, T. (2015) ‘Put the right to learn at the heart of good behaviour in schools’, Education Media Centre, 28 July –http://educationmediacentre.org/blog/put-the-right-to-learn-at-the-heart-of-good-behaviour-in-schools/. Explains the idea of ‘the right to learn’.
- Haydn, T. (2012) Managing pupil behaviour: improving the classroom atmosphere, London, Routledge. This is the book describing in full the outcomes of the research, including testimony from the interviews with over 140 teachers.
- Haydn, T. (2020) ‘Working to improve classroom climate’, video interview, explaining the purpose and use of the research (25 mins), https://faculti.net/working-to-improve-classroom-climate/
- Haydn, T. (2015) Workshop handout, National Conference on Behaviour, Slovenia, March 2015: Terry Haydn workshop handout 1-5 by Založba Rokus Klett, d.o.o. – issuu
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