An enquiry into the issue of young people who are not in education, employment or training in West Norfolk
Report commissioned by Opportunities West Norfolk and written by Ian Gartshore, Terry Haydn and Kathleen Lane, May, 2009. Other members of the research team: Nalini Boodhoo, Nick Gee, John Gordon, Penny Lamb and Jan Watson. Administrative management and support, Jo McGuire.
The site details the outcomes of a study of the ways in which schools, colleges and support agencies in West Norfolk are working to reduce NEET outcomes and support NEET youngsters in West Norfolk, with some case studies of the ways in which schools across the county are engaging in innovative approaches to reducing NEET outcomes.
Link to full report
Context of the research
Research design
Analysis of NEET data for West Norfolk
Approaches to managing NEET issues
IAG processes
The use of ICT to reduce NEET outcomes
The perspective of Connexions advisors
Student voice: year 11 and sixth form students
Teenage Pregnancy
Testimony from NEET young people
How have Norfolk schools tried to reduce NEET outcomes?
Literature Review
The post 16 context
Draft action plan/checklist for schools