There are lots of articles in the newspapers about empire, some are feature articles by leading historians, some are reviews of new history books about empire. They can be useful for keeping up to date with historical scholarship. for improving the quality of your exposition when you are talking about empire with pupils, and where they are ‘open access’, and not behind a paywall, they can provide useful homeworks or voluntary extra tasks for pupils who are interested and keen to learn more about the subject. Most would only take a few minutes to read to they are not a major imposition for pupils with appropriate literacy levels. You can also use the snipping tool (see the chapter on ICT) to capture arresting headlines about empire controversies.
‘Apologising for Amritsar is pointless. Better redress is to never forget’, William Dalrymple, The Guardian, 23 February, 2013.
‘One sure way for Britain to get ahead – stop airbrushing our colonial history’, William Dalrymple, The Guardian, 2 September 2015.
‘UK needs a museum of colonialism, says historian William Dalrymple’ The Guardian, 16 September 2020.
‘If we want India on our side after Brexit, we must face up to the mixed history of our empire’, William Dalrymple, The Daily Telegraph, 17 June 2017. (First paragraph only open access, rest behind a paywall).
‘Nailing the lie of the evil Empire’, Lawrence James, Sunday Times Review, 18 June 2006. (First paragraph only open access, rest behind a paywall).