‘Do Different’
The network consists of 24 primary and secondary schools in Norfolk, based around Kings Lynn and Norwich, working in collaboration with the School of Education, University of East Anglia.
The overarching focus of the network is the development of innovative solutions (both pedagogical and curricular) to the problems of engaging and motivating students in learning, using collaborative enquiry and action research approaches.
Current projects focus on the use of ICT to enhance teaching and learning, thinking skills, peer tutoring, post 16 transition, approaches to RE teaching and the use of activities time in the primary school.
Bob Rogers, Park High School, Kings Lynn
Tim Lawes, Catton Grove Middle School, Norwich
Terry Haydn, School of Education, UEA, Norwich
Dr Tom Elkins, Centre for Applied Research in Education, UEA, Norwich
Critical Friend:
Professor John Elliott, School of Education, UEA, Norwich