DATE: 24 March 1998
LENGTH: 70 minutes
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: The class has almost completed their study of Henry V111 and has had some earlier lessons on historical interpretations
(Bold text shows where an objective has been ‘tracked through’ into the lesson itself).
AIM: To study interpretations of Henry’s illness.(KSU3)
OBJECTIVES: To enable the pupils:
- To recall the different reasons why historians may offer different interpretations of an event. (KSU3);
- To copy from the board a proforma /plan, which includes a space for symptoms, the theories and an evaluation using a full page of the exercise book;
- To know the symptoms of Henry’s illness and decline, based on primary sources, detailed on page 32 of Aylett;
- To complete the four blocks of the proforma with summaries of the four theories and reasons which might discredit them, using pages 32 and 33 of Aylett;
- To evaluate the theories and decide which one they believe to be correct, giving reasons for their decision; (KSU 3b)
- To understand the wider significance of the topic. (KSU 2e)