The readability of word processed worksheets can now be tested using the tools in Microsoft Word. This can be done by selecting Options from the Tools Menu, then selecting the ‘Show readability statistics’ check box. Then select Spelling and grammar from the Tools menu and the readability levels ofthe document will be displayed after the spelling and grammar check is complete.
The Flesch Reading Ease Score rates text on a 100-point scale, with a higher score being more ‘readable’. For a standard adult document, they suggest a score of 60 to 70, for pupils with SEN to read unaided, a score in the 90s m ay be required. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade level score rates text on a U.S. grade-school level. A score of 8.0 means that an 8th grader can understand the documents.
You should keep in mind that you can use more challenging materials with pupils if you help and guide them through the text, explaining key points, modelling and describing etc.
The SMOG (simplified measure of gobbledygook) Test is another way of establishing a readability level for written material. Readability is an attempt to match the reading level of written material to the “reading with understanding” level of the reader. See for details.